Monday, February 2, 2009

The Armstead Snow Motor

Take a look at this demonstration video from 1924 (no sound). What a truly clever looking device! I wonder why we don't see this design out in the wild today?

Armstead Snow Motors from Seeking Michigan on Vimeo.

The original patent application was filed by a Seattle resident in 1920 and can be viewed here.

I've found one rumor that Henry Ford bought up the patents and the buried the project, but I can't in any way substantiate that claim.


  1. Sign me up for one of those. That thing is amazing. I wonder how many awesome inventions have been "shelved" over the years because someone with more money purchased the rights? Any idea how heavy it was?

  2. Well, according to, [ehem... yes; this site actually exists.] that model of Fordson tractor weighed 2920 lbs. Those screws, which I assume are hollow, probably don't weigh much more than the wheels and drive line they're replacing, so that's probably pretty accurate.

  3. Also, the engine was only rated at 20hp, so you're VW should have plenty of power if you're thinking about converting it over.

  4. Less than 3,000 lbs? That's lighter than most cars on the road today. Impressive.
