Monday, March 15, 2010

And now for something completely different...

I don't know who this singer is, or when it was filmed, but this is quite possibly the best footage of a vocalist ever caught on tape. Period. Way too good not to be put on my blog. And don't miss his big finish!

The above video may be the best footage of a vocalist ever, but the remix of that footage, included below, is probably the best video of anything ever. But beware - it only makes sense in the context of the above video, so watch that one first. Don't miss his big change-up about 1 minute in:

Maybe I've just been sick for a few weeks too long, but I really, really needed these videos today. Thank you Internet!

UPDATE: As long as we're on the same topic...

And here's Mr. Eduard Khil himself, making the most of his new Internet notoriety:


  1. While I agree that your post bears truth, the best vocalist has to be Punisher and cryogenically controlled super soldier, Dolph Lundgren.

  2. I cannot disagree with your assessment, except to plead with Mr. Lundgren that because he is such a richly and diversely talented entertainer, that he also be generous and leave the tiny morsel that is the title for best vocalist to my good friend and new Internet hero, Mr. Weird Russian Singing Guy.
