Thursday, September 25, 2008

Project 10 to the 100th; Those who help the most win!

This is a project / contest being put forward by Google where anybody that wants to can submit an idea that they feel will help lots of people. The idea that is judged to be the best will get funded by Google!

I LOVE to help people! It's a huge motivator for me... My mind is practically paralyzed with excitement right now! Why didn't I think of this contest??! (And have billions of dollars to throw at it...)

Does Google ever stop thinking of cool stuff? More info at this link.

(Thanks for the tip, Erin K.!)


  1. Maybe everybody already knows this, but 10^100 is what Googol refers to (which I assume is where Google got their name). See

  2. That's an interesting idea. I hope you keep us informed after they make their selection for the best idea.
